Thursday, April 26, 2012

How i feel

Many blogs are filled with professionals or owners of farms with a variety of different animal species and crops. People who reply or comment have lots of interest in agriculture or are trying to start a farm or large garden for profit. Most of the time people talk about ways to improve their business or problems they have came across in the past couple weeks. They also put new ideas out that they have tested and proved to be helpful. They also talk about how things don't get enough credit in agriculture like earth day. Many places have plow day where farmers get together and plow lots of fields in the area. There is always plenty of food and old time tractors to see. They provide events for everyone with women weaving and children riding horses around the fields from watching and learning how people plowed fields in the old days. They address each other as friends like they have talked for ever. They sometimes use charts and videos but mainly text. They talk casually because most farmers are simple people and don't get caught up in the new grammar.   

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