Show steers are common and many cattle farms. Show steers are a farmers best calfs that he produced that year. Some farms get more than others but everyone strives for the best. Show cattle are show in many different groups and ways. There are large shows for the top people and most states have a fair show along with your 4-H county show. Different types of cattle are show for instance heifers, feeder steers, fat steers, dairy cows and others. Show cattle are kept in a barn and rarely graze in open pasture. They are fed the top feeds produced in the farmers area and are worked with everyday. The cattle are halter broken at a young age and then led by the handler for exercise and practice. During the heat of the day most show cattle have fans blowing on them constantly to keep the hair which is a plus at the show. They get bathed a couple times a week and sometimes more. Before going back to the barn after a bath they are blown completely dry and new hay is spread to keep them clean. All manure that might be dried up under there belly or legs is removed. Before the show they are trimmed to look better for the judge who places all the animals in the ring. On show day the cattle get fed early and are not given any water. This is because five minutes before they go in the show ring they are given water in which makes them look heavier and more stout. They cattle are shown to the best by the handler and then taken for harvest or back home to compete in more shows. The overall grand prize at any show is Grand Champion, next is Reserve Champion and then they count down by numbers starting with third. Other awards your show steer could win is the weight index which is normally higher than most cattle raised for harvest. Most show steers have a weight index or how much they gain throughout the certain time allowed, is normally around three or four pounds per day. Show cattle are raised in what would be called the high class in society today.
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